Name | Split Response |
total_score | 74 |
lucky_color | blood-red |
lucky_color_code | #8A0303 |
lucky_number | 13, 7, |
status | 87 |
finances | 89 |
relationship | 39 |
career | 70 |
travel | 80 |
family | 73 |
friends | 66 |
health | 16 |
bot_response | It's a special week for you as you will successfully manage to win over someone who shall prove to be beneficial for you in the long run. This person can be your spouse or a partner in the professional world. You may feel the need to earn more on the work front. Therefore, you will try to increase profit by discussing business intricacies with your partner. There might be some misunderstandings with your wife this week as she will not be willing to accept your point of view. avoid any altercations if possible. You might get the expected promotion that has been due. Your hard work shall finally be recognized and you will be rewarded accordingly by your superiors. Your child may not be keeping well due to some illness for a long time now. But there is no need to be stressed as it will not last too long with proper attention. |
zodiac | Gemini |
Name | Split Response |
total_score | 73 |
lucky_color | pale-blue |
lucky_color_code | #B8E8FF |
lucky_number | 13, 7, |
status | 89 |
finances | 89 |
relationship | 40 |
career | 69 |
travel | 82 |
family | 68 |
friends | 67 |
health | 14 |
bot_response | You might have a lot of pending tasks waiting since last week. Right from office to personal procedures that were delayed for multiple reasons. This will you will get the opportunity to complete them. You will receive money from your father to buy something that you always wanted to have. Unexpected money is on the cards. Your love life may be in danger as you may seem to have been neglecting your partner a lot due to work or some other problems. Buck up before its too late. You will attain a very high position in your profession especially if you are in a legal field or the field of scientific research. You will be expected to work even harder. Avoid visiting hospitals or a sick person this week as there is a high probability for you to get infected with a contagious disease and be a risk for your family members. If it is unavoidable make sure you have a sanitizer or a mask on. |
zodiac | Gemini |
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