
pisces weekly-horoscope

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weekly-horoscope Moon
Name Split Response
total_score 52
lucky_color black
lucky_color_code #000000
lucky_number 22, 16,
status 51
finances 52
relationship 16
career 71
travel 68
family 20
friends 18
health 48
bot_response Someone may need your help to stand on his or her own feet. Do not refuse and do your best to help as it may later come to you in unexpected ways. Overall, not too much will be happening this week. You may lose a prized possession but also gain something from it. You may lose your money to some person who may have asked you for help. Do not lend money that easy as you might not get it back. Some problems may arise this week due to the women in your life. Unsettling issues may come up between you and wife however, do not take sides as it may make matters worse. As your business has been flourishing for a long time and your stocks have gone up, you might think of adding new shareholders to increase your stake and profit. if you are an asthma patient, keep your inhalers handy as there may be sudden attacks of breathlessness
zodiac Pisces

weekly-horoscope Sun
Name Split Response
total_score 52
lucky_color rust-brown
lucky_color_code #993300
lucky_number 22, 16,
status 49
finances 53
relationship 19
career 68
travel 71
family 19
friends 21
health 48
bot_response You will have to be careful with your activities. There are chances that you may be cheated by your client, or get involved in fraudulent activity of which you may have no idea. Be careful and do a background check of whatever you wish to invest in. It is better to avoid any transaction by credit cards as it will lead to problems. You may get your card stuck or extreme delay in transactions. Your partner may cause some trouble this week which may lead to misunderstandings between you and him. Listen to him as he is older experience. There will be good progress in your work. You shall work hard and your co-workers will also help you a lot in this respect and there will be steady progress. You may not find yourself in good health or maybe feeling weak and fatigued. There may be underlying causes, it will be better to take proper medication.
zodiac Pisces

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