
leo weekly-horoscope

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weekly-horoscope Moon
Name Split Response
total_score 45
lucky_color rust-brown
lucky_color_code #993300
lucky_number 6, 13,
status 30
finances 27
relationship 16
career 37
travel 94
family 18
friends 73
health 20
bot_response You may face a severe heartbreak or re-live a past trauma. This can lead your mind and body to be unstable. Avoid intersections at roads as an accident can take place which can bring back unpleasant memories and can make you both mentally and physically sick. You may have to face a shortage of money even to buy necessary items for your home. The case may be such that you may find it difficult to sustain yourself too. Your authority might get compromised this week for the sake of your relationship with a woman as it seems that you have to cover up for a blunder committed by someone else. Unwanted situations or unavoidable circumstances may surface out of nowhere and may take you off-guard. it can result in some delays in the completion of tasks You might face problems relating to breathing issues cause of which may not be detectable now. You should consider wearing a mask as protection and it will further help you to keep safe against the rise of pollution.
zodiac Leo

weekly-horoscope Sun
Name Split Response
total_score 44
lucky_color rust-brown
lucky_color_code #993300
lucky_number 15, 9,
status 26
finances 28
relationship 19
career 38
travel 91
family 17
friends 70
health 16
bot_response You may wake up late or even miss your bus and reach your office late. Your boss may be in a bad mood and scold you before an important presentation that you have to deliver. Therefore, this morning seems to have quite a few struggles for you but do not be nervous and keep your calm. You shall spend on luxurious items for your home but they shall be completely unwanted and useless products. However, try not to do so as you may face financial constraints later on. Your wife may create some anxious moments in your family life. She may not approve of certain decisions and this may lead to bitterness. You will want to settle with a party this week but it does not seem likely as all agreement talks may fail this week or will not give the fruitful result Your parent’s or your spouse’s health may be a cause of concern for you. Promotions in your work life may be delayed or you may be having a severe financial crisis or the business venture you invested in may not give desired results. Stress can come from multiple problems which may affect your health.
zodiac Leo

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