
leo weekly-horoscope

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  • leo weekly-horoscope

weekly-horoscope Moon
Name Split Response
total_score 65
lucky_color black
lucky_color_code #000000
lucky_number 15, 9,
status 54
finances 39
relationship 62
career 48
travel 88
family 26
friends 89
health 46
bot_response The first half of the week will be good, you will have clear thinking and approach your peers with confidence. Sudden issues will materialize in your personal and professional life which will make you anxious in the second half of the week. You shall have to pay more for your child's tuition fees or even your parents' medical expenses may increase but your income will remain stagnant and unwanted expenses may increase. You might be having some problems convincing your parents about your marriage. You can ask your relatives for help as they might be some support in this matter. your business will pass through a dull phase as no new gains can be seen. you may even lose your present clients if you are not careful enough Fasting can cause health issues like stomach pain and uneasiness, It’s because you breaking the rhythm of the digestive system which should be avoided.
zodiac Leo

weekly-horoscope Sun
Name Split Response
total_score 67
lucky_color rust-brown
lucky_color_code #993300
lucky_number 15, 9,
status 56
finances 45
relationship 61
career 46
travel 90
family 29
friends 95
health 44
bot_response A positive week, this will be as you will get ample time to reflect upon yourself and make necessary changes that you may need for your well being. You will finally stand up to your boss for the recognition you deserve. You might be planning to invest in the stock market or foreign trade-related activities as you see some easy profit there. However, be sure to have a reliable knowledge of the market beforehand. Your helpful and kind nature will make people like you and will get appreciation from society and your partner. Your partner shall be willing to co-operate with you if you need any help from them. promotion would not come easily for you as some obstacles are foreseen. make sure to complete all impending work before time Try to avoid junk or oily food this week as your stomach may not be in a good condition. Therefore, it may affect your health and you may feel nauseated.
zodiac Leo

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