
scorpio weekly-horoscope

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weekly-horoscope Moon
Name Split Response
total_score 81
lucky_color green
lucky_color_code #008200
lucky_number 18, 12,
status 91
finances 86
relationship 62
career 88
travel 90
family 64
friends 72
health 49
bot_response It's the perfect week for good relaxation. For the business folks, You might have to travel to a good location. But stay careful while going on trips. Overall the week seems good but with some bad patches in between. Since you will have a surplus amount of money, you might as well think of keeping a certain amount of money for future emergency use. You might be having some problems convincing your parents about your marriage. You can ask your relatives for help as they might be some support in this matter. There are chances of financial gains in partnership business as your work has been growing steadily over time and also you may gain new clients for the long term. Your parent’s or your spouse’s health may be a cause of concern for you. Promotions in your work life may be delayed or you may be having a severe financial crisis or the business venture you invested in may not give desired results. Stress can come from multiple problems which may affect your health.
zodiac Scorpio

weekly-horoscope Sun
Name Split Response
total_score 81
lucky_color white
lucky_color_code #FFFFFF
lucky_number 18, 12,
status 89
finances 89
relationship 60
career 90
travel 89
family 60
friends 69
health 51
bot_response It's going to be a great week for those in the fields of writing and arts as your work may get published in an eminent magazine which will give you newfound fame. Politicians will also do good this week. Not so much can be said for those with a boss. You have been working efficiently for your employer and meeting all your targets on time. Hence, you will get a good commission from the agency. You may be worried about the safety and security of your partner as well as the welfare of society as a whole. Therefore, you will show concern towards the betterment of your relationship. You might reap rewards in your profession or may even get promoted to a higher post. It may also be so that you will get a huge increment in your payment. Quite a few factors may be stressing you out about your health be it slight fever or headache. Negative factors can take a toll on your body so you should be cautious about your health.
zodiac Scorpio

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